Catsup, Ketchup, Catchup, or whatever

Playing a little bit of catch up today. I haven’t really been able to write much lately because I was down in Texas with family, came back to a week of ‘hurry up wait’ jury duty. And now I’m working on a couple of web sites. I’m trying to get the design done for my mom’s special joy website, and I’m waiting to hear back from my host so I can start the Emerging Leaders Network site. Crazy times.

In the midst of all that, Kim and I have been quickly exploring the possibility of me attending Luther Seminary. It started out as an innocent trip to the Luther Bookstore, where we realized they had a lot of books from other Christian traditions i.e. not Lutheran. This is a new experience for me, because in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod I am used to a very non-eccumenical church body who won’t even take communion with other Lutherans, besides the Presbyterians, Episcopals, etc.

I have always had Luther in the back of my mind as a possibility, but it wasn’t until we went to visit the Admissions counselor that it became a reality for me. Just looking at the curriculum was a big factor. So many of their courses are focused on the Bible and the tradition of the Church:


+ Bible
Bible Proficiency Exam
Greek (prerequisite)
Synoptic Gospels

+ History of Christianity
Early/Medieval Church History (100-1400AD)
Reform of the Church (1400-1789AD)

+ Doctrine of Theology
Creation and the Triune God

+ Interpreting and Confessing
Reading the Audiences
Cross-cultural Mission Experience

+ Leadership for Mission
Education I
Music and Hymnody
Telling the Story

+ Discipleship
The Call to Discipleship (First Week)


+ Bible
Pauline Tradition

+ Doctrine of Theology
The Mission of the Triune God I
Jesus the Savior & the Triune God
Ethics I

+ Interpreting and Confessing
Lutheran Confessional Writings
Interpreting & Confessing for the World

+ Leadership for Mission
Internship Orientation
Foundations of Pastoral Care
Foundations of Biblical Preaching

+ Discipleship


+ Bible
Psalms and Wisdom Literature
Johannine Literature

+ History of Christianity
The Modern Church in Europe & America

+ Doctrine and Theology
The Mission of the Triune God II
The Holy Spirit, the Church & the Triune God
Ethics II

+ Interpreting and Confessing
Exercises in Biblical Theology

+ Leadership for Mission
Education II
Pastoral Care
Preaching and Worship

+ Discipleship

I have more to say about my passions for ecumenicalism, but I’ll save that for my next post.






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