On Sabbatical

In case you missed the temp page:

Ahhh, comment spam.
You have won for the moment, but not for long.
Not bad… 800 posts in one day!

Not like it matters, thanks to the whole rel=nofollow thing.
But you were wasting my bandwidth, and my readers lives.
When I come back, with my new improved blogeddy blog blog blog,
you will weep as you reminisce about the old days,
when all you had to do was send a robot to do your dirty work.

Meanwhile, faithful friends and family…
I’ll be putzing around at 43things and del.icio.us.

Anyway, this is is a temporary blogger blog until I learn python and I’m able to run my own content management system. (For you geeks, I’ll be using django, unless web.py is released soon).






One response to “On Sabbatical”

  1. Dwight Avatar

    you are such a dork

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