I was sitting in Caribou Coffee this morning reading Your Marketing Sucks. when this song distracted me. One of my old roommates names was Greg Brown, but it isn’t this guy. The song doesn’t have much to say, but it’s stuck in my head like a homestar quote.
44’s a BMW; 66’s a Yamaha,
44’s just like mother; 66 owns Omaha.
44 & 66; 66 & 44,
What a piston; what a bore,
66 & 44.
66’s a long old jet plane, goin’ to a folk festival,
44’s a hot jazz player, yeah; and his belly’s never full.
44 & 66; 66 & 44,
You got to push what you can’t pull,
66 & 44.
66 is modern poetry; 44 is modern art,
66 ain’t got no mystery; 44 ain’t got no heart.
44 & 66; 66 & 44,
Flick your Bic at the right door,
66 & 44. [ more… ]
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