
Hi, my name is Thomas, and this is my ‘now’ page, inspired by Derek Sivers. It tells you (and reminds me) where my energy and attention are focused right now. This page was last updated July 15th, 2024 from White Bear Lake, MN.


Things are moving quickly with We have a live prototype, our first investors, and a team coming together. I will have much more less vague news toward the end of summer. But, for now, I want you to know that I am so excited to see this part of the vision come to life.

Soaking in Minnesota Summer

One of the main reasons I love living in Minnesota is because I enjoy actually experiencing all four seasons. That said (please don’t tell the other seasons) summer is my favorite. I will literally be playing with the family AND working from the lake for the next few months. So, if you want to meet up, come wade into the lake with me.

Evolving Your Second Call

My Ikigai is guiding people through Self Healing Leadership – a practice designed to help leaders recognize the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that create resistance in their decisions, conversations, and actions; heal and reintegrate what holds them back or what they are holding back; and lead from their truest best Self.

Accomplishing that mission has taken on a few forms:

  1. ☎️ I hold 1:1 sessions with my private coaching clients
  2. 🏕️ I host a community of Self Healing Leaders who look inside themselves to change the way they lead others
  3. 🕚 I am in the early stages of spinning out a product/company to make 1:1s massively more valuable and to help leaders grow their impact.

If you’re curious about any of these projects, subscribe here to follow along.

#givefirst Volunteer Mentor Hours

Since 2011, I have mentored over 1000 founders and leaders through Techstars, 500Global, SXSW, Revelry, Hatchet Ventures, Gener8or, BETA.MN, and other entrepreneur organizations. And I got to work with more than 300 of them for 3+ months. Nothing fills my cup faster than hopping on a call with a founder – especially a first time founder – especially a global majority first time founder – to talk through their hopes and fears and what might unblock the next stage in their growth.

Saying No

So, other than Quality Time with the family, volunteering to support founders, and building a business that lets me spend at least 75% of my time unburdening founders and leaders, I am slowly but surely learning how to say “No.”

What Am I thinking About

This section is inspired by Zvi Band, who shared, “Richard Feynman had this idea of always carrying around a number of problems you’re thinking about, to help hone what you read, think about, and discuss with others.”

  • I believe AI actually is going to “take 50% of the jobs.” But I also believe that the brands with “the most humane humans” are going to be the brands that win the transition. I want to help companies have better humans.
  • What are the most inclusive, acceptable, and adaptable ways to talk about psychological safely in the workplace?
  • Should we buy a local Thai restaurant?
  • Can I say no more often?
  • Who do I love and who loves me?

If you would like to discuss anything mentioned here, please come say hi