Introversion vs Extroversion in Online Community Building

Photo by David Spinks

Responding to a straight forward poll in CMX Hub, a facebook group organized by David Spinks of CMX, which asks, “Are you more introverted or extroverted?”

The poll is still in progress but there has constantly been 2x more primary introverts than extroverts responding. Which got me thinking:

Honestly makes sense to me for this audience. I don’t think introversion is a requirement for online community building, but there are quite a few characteristics that maybe make it something people gravitate toward.

blanket IMHO:

1. Great online community cultivation requires a lot of heads down alone time in the computer. An introvert doesn’t feel the need to always get away from the computer and into big group meetings and a ton of high energy face to face meetings. So an introvert is more likely to head this way than towards, say, sales.

2. Rather than charging in and taking over a situation, an introvert is more likely to want to hear out (read) what people are saying, and spend more time (than an extrovert) processing that information and thinking about it, before injecting our own take.

3. An introvert is fed by more behind-the-scenes type work… massaging along the health of the community, than trying to push it the direction we want from the front of the crowd.

4. hmmm, more, but I’d have to think longer 😉

bonus: it would be really interesting to me to see a break down of the *type* of communities that primary introverts vs primary extroverts are working on.

bonus bonus: it would be really interesting to me to see a break down of the *type* of role that primary introverts vs primary extroverts hold w/in their company






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