need v. want

The church does not need more experts.
The church needs more fools.






8 responses to “need v. want”

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  2. John Pederson Avatar

    There are plenty of other agnostics out there that need a secular Jon Stewart.

  3. dydimustk Avatar

    I’m intrigued…. can you say more?

  4. tim Avatar

    the church also needs wisdom, right? so is there such a thing as a wise-fool?

  5. dydimustk Avatar

    tim – I guess I’m not quite convinced that the church needs wisdom. It seems like most of the things Jesus did were foolish. And if Christians are trying to follow Christ, then they will do foolish things as well. I guess I’m not familiar with anything Jesus told his followers to do that require any wisdom.

  6. tim Avatar

    maybe you should define your usage of the word “fool”

  7. dydimustk Avatar

    I mean things along the lines of, “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.”

  8. […] Below, I suggested that the church needs more fools, and my friend John Pederson had an intriguing response, “There are plenty of other agnostics out there that need a secular Jon Stewart.” […]

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