This has been a busy week. On Tuesday night, I got to go to my first Wild game with my wife. One of my kids at church has season tickets and couldn’t go, so he passed them off to me. It was awesome. I had been to the Excel Energy Center several times before for WCHA (college) Final Five games… but not for NHL. It was great.
Then on Wednesday, we took 290 kids to see The Passion. That was intense. I think enough has been said about the movie, so I’ll just say wow. We had a lot of the kid’s friends there that night, and it will be interesting to see what comes out of this.
I have also received a letter from the church informing me that I was nominated as a candidate for their call committee, requesting a resume and additional information. So I’ve been busy responding to their letter and working with people for references. I’ll post more as I find out more.
Other than that, I’m just loving life right now. My mom has been instrumental in reminding me to choose joy. It’s so easy to forget that I can decide what kind of attitude to have. So, today, I choose joy.
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