Core Values (a work in progress)

These are the values which shape my life to the core. They tug on my heart and mind and speak directly to my soul, and I see them as the basis and foundation for my life for God…

Prayerful Dependence on God
I believe I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength, and that apart from Christ I can accomplish nothing. I believe prayer is How God changes the world and I believe that prayer is not a way to change God but rather a way for God to change me.

Priesthood of All Believers
I believe all Christians are called out of darkness and into the wonderful light to proclaim the Glory of Him who has saved them. I believe all Christians are called to have Christ as Lord of their lives and always be prepared to give an account for the hope they have in Christ Jesus. I believe that all people in the Body of Christ have been given gifts which prepare them for service. I believe ALL Christians can serve the Lord, and must be given an opportunity to do so.

Reaching the Lost
I believe Christ came to seek and save the Lost. I believe that God is being patient with us because He desires that all might be saved. I believe in meeting people where they are at and loving them enough not to leave them there.

Authentic Relationships
I believe God’s whole mission and purpose is to be in a relationship with us. I believe we, as Christians, are called to have Godly relationships which reflect God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion. I believe I cannot minister to a person unless I honestly care about that person.

Inspired Biblical Relevance
I believe we are created in the image of a creative God. I believe that God’s Word is true yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I believe that all scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. I believe that God’s Word deserves to be applied to our lives in a way that is living, meaningful, and relevant.






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