The church is not called on to decide whether she will carry on the mission or not. She can only decide for herself whether she wants to be the church.
– Missio Dei
The church is not called on to decide whether she will carry on the mission or not. She can only decide for herself whether she wants to be the church.
– Missio Dei
THOMAS: Your comment reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from summer reading. This is from Robert Kolb: “The fact is, believers do not have the choice of witnessing or not. There can be no doubt that God wants His Christian people to speak His Word, above all, to bring that Good News of new life in Jesus Christ to those who are writing their own bulletins and guidelines for a life which is dying…God has made us His people so that we might build a bridge between the revelation of His saving will for us, His re-creating Word, and the people of our day and our society” (p. 15).
Peter said it so well: “Above all, love each other deeply…offer hospitality…use whatever gift you have received to serve others” 1 Peter 4:8-10 +
Whoa whoa whoa. . .I thought the church was just a building?
right… the building can only decide… just kidding
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