misty morning fog (moleskine)

The fog runs into the lake wnerever the breeze hasn’t, ever so lightly, darkened the surface of the water. Only after sitting here for many moments am I able to make out the outline of the island on the point. A loon came through searching for breakfast, and went on his way. A perfect morning to end a great week at the cabin. I’ve had a lot of time to think, and learn some computer stuff that I wouldn’t have any other time to learn. And sitting here in the fog this morning, I must remember that the ‘mist’ of the world is not real, and that the purposes God has shown me are.

There is a mountain to climb now called life and mission. I have seen a glimpse of the top. I do not know what paths will lead us there, but I do know that it is real.
Father, I only want to follow you. Jesus, guide me on the path. Spirit, teach me discernment and cary my steps.

May I never lose focus, and when I do, lead me back to the right paths. Lord–be my shepherd. Be my all.

“I lift my eyes up to the mountains–where does my help come from?”

When you walk through the mist, it opens up as you go… you don’t hit the wall you see from here.






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