Why do I do the things I do not want to do, and not do the things I do want to do?
It’s all just a bunch of doo doo.
I met a cat named TP tonight.
Kim and I hung out with some friends tonight. Their son aparently named the little kitten TP. And while our friends made attempts at renaming the cat, their son was persisitent. So now, the cat’s name is, “TP… Like Indians, not, well…” I know it seems like a long name, but I read a book about an Indian named Sacawajea. And while that name doesn’t look as long now, it was as long as the book (1424 pp.) at the time.
Anyway, the point is, they have better kitty litter than us (the kind with flavor crystals or something). No that wasn’t the point either. The point is that it was a good time. We shared our ideas and joys and struggles in ministry (and the lack thereof). The best part however was the time we shared in prayer. We were able to open up and share our deeper prayer request, but sadly it was apparent to all of us how difficult it still is to open up and admit brokeness when you are in ministry. But break we did.
I’m pretty broken as a husband and have a lot to learn. God help me
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